Anatomy of Exercise

A Trainer’s Inside Guide to Your Workout

Anatomy of Exercise
Anatomy of Exercise
revolutionary for its insights into how different muscles of the body actually work during exercise
On Sale $24..95
Books | Health | Fitness | Excersize

Understanding Exercise Anatomy For Better Workouts

When starting any exercise routine, it’s important to learn the anatomy involved during movement. Having knowledge of the muscles worked and proper biomechanics is key to both maximizing your training and preventing injury. The book Anatomy of Exercise: A Trainer’s Inside Guide to Your Workout provides an in-depth look at the anatomy behind various exercises to help you improve your workouts.

Key Muscle Groups and Joint Actions  

The book examines the major muscle groups used during common strength training and cardio exercises. For example, it explores which muscles are targeted during a push-up, pull-up, squat, lunge, sprint, bike ride, and more. It analyzes how the shoulders, chest, back, arms, core, hips, and legs are utilized. Understanding the joint actions during movements, such as flexion, extension, and rotation, is also discussed. This allows you to better activate the intended muscles and move through the proper ranges of motion.

Improving Exercise Technique and Form

In addition to detailing the muscles worked, the book also delves into proper exercise technique and form. It provides tips on ideal posture, alignment, footing, grip, and breathing for various moves. By learning the correct biomechanics for multi-joint exercises like the deadlift, overhead press, and bench press, you can lift more efficiently and reduce injury risk. For cardio machines, like the treadmill, elliptical, and rower, optimizing form improves performance and comfort.

Prevention and Rehabilitation of Injuries

The anatomical information provided serves as a guide for both preventing and rehabilitating common exercise-related injuries. By understanding which muscles, tendons, and joints are involved in specific movements, you can better avoid overuse and trauma. The book also includes stretches and strengthening moves to aid in recovery if you do suffer strains, sprains, or imbalances from working out. Following rehabilitation protocols that consider anatomy and kinesiology is key to a full recovery.

Whether your goals are building strength, improving athletic performance, losing weight, or simply maintaining healthy fitness habits, a comprehension of exercise anatomy is invaluable. It allows you to work muscles efficiently, activate all motor units, enhance mind-muscle connection, achieve full range of motion, and avoid aches and pains. Anatomy of Exercise provides a trainer’s inside look into how the body works during exercise to help you get the most out of your training.

Anatomy of Exercise
Anatomy of Exercise
revolutionary for its insights into how different muscles of the body actually work during exercise
On Sale $24..95
“This is one of the best investments I have made as a personal trainer.”
Matt Drayton
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