Guide to the Stars

For millennia, humans have gazed up at the night sky and wondered at the stars overhead. Guide to the Stars offers an illuminating introduction to stargazing and amateur astronomy.

Guide to the Stars
Guide to the Stars
identify the constellation
$14.95 RRP $35
Books | Maps | Studies | Astrology

Navigating the Night Sky

The book begins by explaining the cosmos and how to observe it. Readers learn how stars, galaxies, nebulas and other celestial objects form and can be identified. Monthly star charts plot major constellations and highlight key stars and objects visible at different times of year. Tips help novice stargazers get oriented in the sky and start recognizing patterns and navigational stars like Polaris.

Understanding the Stars

Next, the book explores stars in detail – their life cycles, classifications, and attributes like color, temperature and magnitude. Star catalogs, charts, and atlases are explained. Readers learn how variables, doubles, clusters and exotic stars like neutron stars work. Diagrams break down stellar evolution and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Tables list major stars along with their vital stats.

Observing Deep-Sky Objects

Beyond stars, Guide to the Stars covers galaxies, nebulas, comets and other deep-sky phenomena. The physics of these objects is explained alongside observational tips, charts showing their locations, and photos of how they will appear through a telescope. Special sections focus on topics like astrophotography, the Milky Way, and observing auroras, meteors and occultations.

From identifying constellations to understanding star life cycles, Guide to the Stars allows anyone to appreciate the science and beauty of astronomy. It transforms stargazing into an enriching cosmic adventure that connects us to the larger universe. Both educational and enjoyable, this book provides the ultimate introduction to the night sky.

Guide to the Stars
Guide to the Stars
identify the constellation
$14.95 RRP $35
“invites beginning stargazers to relax, follow the chart’s easy to use instructions and slowly begin the fascinating task of finding the constellations”
Arizona Daily Sun
Available as:
  • Map 11″ Diameter
  • Map 16″ Diameter
  • Hardback


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